Elias Bassalygo bound

The Elias-Bassalygo bound is a mathematical limit used in coding theory for error correction during data transmission or communications. The properties of the Elias-Bassalygo bound are defined, below, using mathematical expressions.



Let C be a q-ary code of length n, i.e. a subset of [q]^n. (Each q-ary block code of length n is a subset of the strings of \mathcal{A}_q^n\text{,} where the alphabet set \mathcal{A}_q has q elements). Let R be the rate of C and \delta (delta) be the relative distance.

Let B_q(\boldsymbol{y}, \rho n) =\{ \boldsymbol{x} \in [q]^n | \Delta(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{y}) \le \rho n \} be the Hamming ball of radius  \rho n centered at \boldsymbol{y}. Let  Vol_q(\boldsymbol{y}, \rho n) = |B_q(\boldsymbol{y}, \rho n)| be the volume of the Hamming ball of radius  \rho n . It is obvious that the volume of a Hamming Ball is translation-invariant, i.e. irrelevant with position of \boldsymbol{y}. In particular, B_q(\boldsymbol{y}, \rho n) =B_q(\boldsymbol{0}, \rho n)  .

With large enough n, the rate R and the relative distance \delta satisfies the Elias-Bassalygo bound: R \le 1 - H_q( J_q(\delta))%2Bo(1)\text{,}


 H_q(x)\equiv_ \text{def} -x\cdot\log_q{x \over {q-1}}-(1-x)\cdot\log_q{(1-x)}

is the q-ary entropy function and

J_q(\delta) \equiv_ \text{def} \left(1-{1\over q}\right)\left(1-\sqrt{1-{q \delta \over{q-1}}}\right) is a function related with Johnson bound.


To prove the Elias–Bassalygo bound, start with the following Lemma:

Lemma 1: Given a q-ary code, C\subseteq  [q]^n and  0\le  e\le  n, there exists a Hamming ball of radius e with at least {|C|Vol_q(0,e)} \over {q^n} codewords in it.

Proof of Lemma 1: To prove Lemma 1, use the probability method. Randomly pick a received word y \in [q]^n. The expected size of overlapped region between  C and the Hamming ball centered at y with radius e, |B_q(y,e) \cap C| is Vol_q(y,e) {{|C|} \over {q^n}} since y is (uniform) randomly selected. Since this is the expected value of the size, there must exist at least one y such that |B_q(y,e) \cap C| \ge Vol_q(y,e) {{|C|} \over {q^n}} = {{|C|Vol_q(0,e)} \over {q^n}}, otherwise the expectation must be smaller than this value.

Now we prove the Elias–Bassalygo bound.

Define e = n J_q(\delta)-1 .

By Lemma 1, there exists a Hamming ball with B codewords such that B\ge { {|C|Vol(0,e)} \over {q^n}}

By the Johnson bound, we have B\le qdn. Thus,

\mid C \mid \le qnd \cdot {{q^n} \over {Vol_q(0,e)}} \le q^{n(1-H_q(J_q(\delta))%2Bo(1))}

The second inequality follows from lower bound on the volume of a Hamming ball:  Vol_q(0, \lfloor {{d-1} \over 2} \rfloor) \le q^{H_q({\delta \over 2})n-o(n)} .

Putting in d=2e%2B1 and  \delta = {d \over n} gives the second inequality.

Therefore we have

R={\log_q{|C|} \over n} \le 1-H_q(J_q(\delta))%2Bo(1)

See also


Bassalygo, L. A. (1965), "New upper boundes for error-correcting codes", Problems of Information Transmission 1 (1): 32–35 

Claude E. Shannon, Robert G. Gallager; Berlekamp, Elwyn R. (1967), "Lower bounds to error probability for coding on discrete memoryless channels. Part I.", Information and Control 10: 65–103 

Claude E. Shannon, Robert G. Gallager; Berlekamp, Elwyn R. (1967), "Lower bounds to error probability for coding on discrete memoryless channels. Part II.", Information and Control 10: 522–552